Work smarter (not harder) to achieve anything your heart desires. Some tips for getting started...
Why Plan?
A plan gives you a personally created (and therefore brilliant) road map to follow. It's infinitely customisable and perfectly in line with your DEEPEST hopes and dreams.
What can I use it for?
Anything you'd like to change or achieve in your life.
Your life dreams (big or small), your short or long-term goals, your mindset, your job or career, relationship growth, life transition, difficult / scary / large or baffling change or challenges looming in your life.
Planning, put simply, makes it happen.
It's your stabiliser when you stumble, your suit of armour against doubtful or critical voices in your life and protection from self-sabotage. It's the ideal tool if you have a history of not finishing what you start.
Use it to overcome fears, undertake daunting or tricky tasks, navigate long held beliefs or even find the man/woman of your dreams!
How do I get started?
You can do this.
Seriously. You can.
Start with the outcome. Describe it in detail in 3-4 paragraphs. Be specific, realistic and say it your own way. The way that makes you feel HAPPY and excited when you read it back.
Don't be afraid to ask for what you really (really) want.
Think about the BIG STEPS needed to get to that outcome. Write down the main three or four big steps that, once achieved would take you as close as possible to your dream end-state. Use coloured text, images, anything that makes the themes look uniquely YOU. (And therefore utterly beautiful).
Jot down the STUFF (materials, support, money, talent) needed to achieve each step. Consider what's around you, think of the possibilities in terms of people, access to materials and the time that will be required. Lateral and creative thinking may be your saviour here....
Scope out alternatives such as a Plan A, B, C etc. Try to predict any BARRIERS that may crop up and how you could tackle them to obtain all the things you need to make this happen.
Now consider each Big Step carefully:
What are the smaller "Baby Steps" that are needed to achieve each Big Step? Add them to the plan. Consider each aspect that will need to happen to ensure the Big Step can be achieved. If you're unsure about one, simply include it with notes about what you need to do to find out more.
Pop a realistic timeframe next to each Baby Step. You now have a To Do list with timeframes that will enable you to reach your goal.
Take time to edit and tailor your plan so that it starts to make you feel kind of EXCITED when you read it.
Make your Plan a thing you love to read through. EDIT it often. Add notes, include images or drawings or thoughts as you go. It'll become an outstanding piece of you in words...
Stay in touch with your plan - it loves attention
The best plan in the world is USELESS if you don't care for it. Look at it, and check in with it on a regular basis. Tick off the steps you've undertaken and CELEBRATE your progress. This is important!
There'll be times when you question if you're moving forward at all. Daily life is so busy and hectic. There are days when it can be difficult to even remember where you live, let alone focus on completing a baby step towards your dream... and that's completely fine. Because you've got this.
You might question your ability to finish. Viewing all the ticks and crossed off steps reinforces that you're moving forward, even if that progress is sometimes not as fast as you'd like.
Progress is progress and you're already AWESOME compared to many others because you, my friend, are on your way to success / change / achievement / serenity / happiness and all the joy that comes with planning and achieving something satisfying (maybe even life-changing) and AMAZING.